The original source:
Many patriotic people can reasonably debunk the official
9/11 story
The Times:
Alben's "Debunking
flights of fancy that hover over 9/11" [Times guest commentary, July
26] is clearly predicated on blind acceptance of the government's own,
sans-proof 9/11 conspiracy theory, which is falling apart.
to Alben's assertion that "the new conspiracy theorists prey on areas of
highly specialized knowledge," the basic facts flying in the face of the
government's story are actually very easy to understand.
example, structural steel cannot be melted by an open kerosene fire (or your
engine block would melt before you pulled out of the garage).
use Alben's words, "Most theories, after all, will collapse on their own
spindly legs when enough reasonable people examine them and begin to ask basic
questions." Many deeply patriotic and reasonable citizens are asking those
basic questions and finding empirically based answers that point to more
government cover-ups and lies.
closing words are, "When we see falsehoods masquerading as facts, it is
our duty as free citizens to chime in: 'Wait a minute — how do you know that to
be true?' That would be the best way to honor the victims of the worst terror
attack ever to occur on American soil."
could not agree more. And we are indeed chiming in.
— Evan Sugden, We Are Change/9-11 Truth-Seattle, Seattle
Magnifier and holes
Alben evades the key questions raised by the growing and politically diverse
9/11 truth movement.
9/11, at 5:20 p.m., World Trade Center Building 7 fell symmetrically, at near
free-fall speed and, according to prominent architects and engineers, displayed
all the characteristics of a controlled demolition, evidently planned
prior to 9/11.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) confirmed jet-fuel fires
did not burn hot enough to melt steel. Yet, molten metal was found at the base
of WTC Buildings 1, 2 and 7 weeks after 9/11, further suggesting explosives.
BBC on Sept. 23, 2001, reported that four of the alleged 19 hijackers are
alive, yet these same names were included in the 9/11 commission report. David
Ray Griffin's "9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions"
provides a thorough examination.
events of 9/11 have been exploited to wage war in the Middle East and to
dismantle key provisions of the Constitution, most startlingly, habeas corpus.
callously equates efforts to answer these questions as being "in sync with
the ideology of terrorist groups," an offense to the families of victims
and first-responders asking these questions.
— Bob Dennis, Seattle
No phantom fighters
do believe that our government was responsible for 9/11, for a number of
reasons. A large portion of Alex Alben's opinion concerns the controversy about
whether burning jet fuel could have caused collapse of the twin towers. I have
seen analyses by professors of structural engineering that say it could, and
others that say it could not. I am an engineer — electronic, though, not
structural — and my conclusion at this time is that the question is still open.
factors influence my feeling on the matter more than that. For instance, why
were interceptor jets not sent to intercept for such a long time, and why were
so many of them away on that particular day doing exercises simulating what
actually happened? Why were many warnings from intelligence agencies discounted
prior to the actual incident?
as horrific as 9/11 was needed to get the American public in a frame of mind to
accept protracted wars, such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why the wars? To
control world oil, hence to protect the American automobile culture.
— Peter Van Zant, Seattle
A study in frustration
core of the 9/11 truth movement is made up of people who ask of the
"official story," "Wait a minute — how do you know that to be
true?" While there is admittedly lots of conjecture about what happened on
9/11, the reason for the conjecture is that we do not know what
happened, because the official conspiracy story that has been spun regarding
what happened makes no sense.
so-called "independent" 9/11 commission was headed up by an executive
director, Philip Zelikow, who was a Bush administration insider. Its report is
riddled with omissions and distortions, which have been documented in books.
Family members of victims of 9/11 tell us that only 30 percent of their
questions have been answered by the commission and its report.
NIST report, on the collapse of the twin towers, has been criticized by the
engineering community for, among other things, reaching conclusions unsupported
by the data it collected; not calculating the maximum loads the towers could
take; and not even simulating the collapse of the towers. None of the official
studies proved the official story; they merely assumed it to be true. All the
9/11 truth community wants are studies that answer the questions of legitimate
600 senior military, intelligence-service, law-enforcement and government
officials; engineers, architects, pilots and aviation professionals;
professors, 9/11 survivors and family members; and entertainment and media
professionals now question the official account of what happened on 9/11. They
are saying of the official story: "Wait a minute — how do you know that to
be true?"
— Rodger Herbst, Woodinville
Ether removes inhibition
to both The Seattle Times and Alex Alben for his concise assessment of Sept. 11
conspiracy theorists. I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment of petulant
partisanship of those attempting to advance bizarre, wild theories about the
terrorist attacks.
also a useful reminder about lack of accountability and/or accuracy of
information posted on the Internet.
— Phil X. Vandervort, news producer, Newsradio 710 KIRO,
Light on brains
me get this straight: I can't carry a bottle of water onto an airplane, but a
passenger can now take a lighter onboard? Something that creates fire
in an enclosed space at 38,000 feet and easily could be used by someone to harm
and endanger? ["Flight
rules on lighters, breast milk relaxed," News, July 21.]
inhabit the Earth with idiots. How nice to know that it is the Transportation
Security Administration, which is responsible for our security onboard, that
has made this brilliant decision! Great job!
— Janet Engel, Seattle