Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes
Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' By Lori Price, CGL Sept 15 2007
Minot Airman Assigned to 5th Security Forces Squadron dies while on leave
Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne visits Minot to see how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled

9/06/07 Shreveport Times: B-52 unwittingly hauls nuke warheads to BAFB; Squadron commander fired; investigation launched

9/10/07: Chuck Simpson blog:Barksdale incident revisited

CLG: Anomalous deaths of airmen stationed at Minot AFB

Topix Forum: Wytheville Va

Military Times Forum

Col. Bob Bowman to US Military Officers:
Duty, Honor, Country 2007

9/22/07: Press TV:
Mystery surrounds deaths of six Minot airmen.

9/24/07: TPM Cafe: Larry Johnson:
Simple Error My Ass

10/20/2007: Associated Press:
70_punished.htm: Seventy Punished in "Accidental" B-52 Flight