12/11/07: Chicago Tribune:
Editorial: Questions, Lots of Questions

12/12/07: San Francisco Chronicle: Robert Scheer
Was Pelosi aware of CIA's tactics?
"When the CIA destroyed those prisoner interrogation videotapes, were they also destroying the truth about Sept. 11, 2001?"

12/13/07: New York Times:
C.I.A. Chief Cites Agency Lapse on Tapes

12/24/07: Common Dreams:Sarah Baxter
dead link
cd_12_24_07.htm"> CIA Chief to Drag White House Into Torture Cover-Up Storm

01/02/08: New York Times Op Ed: THOMAS H. KEAN and LEE H. HAMILTON
Stonewalled by the C.I.A.

01/02/08: New York Times: Mark Mazzetti and David Johnston
Justice Dept. Sets Criminal Inquiry Into C.I.A. Tapes

01/02/08: 9/11 Blogger: Statement by Donna Marsh O�Connor
Destruction of Evidence