Eagle's Nest at Ground Zero
Was Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in WTC 7
the nerve center for the World Trade Center attacks?
Jeremy Baker
Since the attacks of September 11th, a growing chorus of 9/11 researchers have cited Mayor
Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management (OEM ) bunker on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 as a
possible operations center for the 9/11 conspirators—a convenient location from which to guide
the "hijacked" planes to their targets and fine-tune the demolition strategies for the Twin
Towers. But this intriguing (and, some might think, bizarre) hypothesis has always relied a little
too heavily on vague and circumstantial evidence. Here is what we do know.
In 1996, by executive order, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani created the Office of Emergency
Management (OEM), an agency designed to develop strategies and resources to deal with any
catastrophic event that might threaten the welfare of the city and its people. Possible threats
included natural disasters and terror attacks.
In June, 1999, Giuliani completed his $13 million emergency command bunker on the
23rd floor of World Trade Center Building 7. This reinforced emergency control center—
complete with its own air, water and power supply—was intended to provide a secure
command post for leadership should such a disaster occur.
From the outset, the location for the facility provoked controversy. The Police
Commissioner's Chief of Staff, Richard Sheirer, clashed bitterly with OEM director Jerry Hauer
over the planned site. Hauer's decision, to locate the emergency command retreat in the midst
of the number one terrorist target in the western hemisphere—a place likely to be destroyed
(as it was) in the event of an actual attack—was, Sheirer felt, surely an act of lunacy.
During the 9/11 Commission hearings, Senator Tim Roemer revisited this point; "Mr.
Sheirer…there was a decision made to locate the [bunker] right in the nest of where the
terrorists had struck in 1993. Why put it in one of the most likely places where people are going
to come back and hit us again…?" In response, Sheirer was diplomatic; "I did not agree with it
for the very reasons that you said. I did not agree with it simply because it was on the 23rd floor
of a building. And do I look like a guy that wants to walk up 23 flights?" Amazingly, when
Roemer questioned Hauer himself the next day, he avoided the subject altogether.
Sheirer's prophetic concern, that an above-ground facility could sustain damage
rendering it inaccessible (and it's elevators inoperable), was echoed in a NY Daily News article
that described the command post in WTC 7 as being "the first-ever aerie-style bunker," the vast
majority (or, apparently, all) of similar facilities naturally having been built underground (and well
removed from potential hot spots).
We also know that one of the two small fires in WTC 7, later blamed for the collapse
of the huge steel-framed building, was on its seventh floor, the location of the OEM's
emergency generators. It's commonly thought by 9/11 researchers that these fires were ignited
to serve as "cover" for the building's forthcoming but utterly inexplicable collapse. The fact that
1) this fire occurred on a floor that was presumably secured and accessible only by OEM
personnel, and 2) floor 7 housed not only OEM generators but a "day" tank, presumably of
diesel fuel, is, some feel, additional evidence linking the OEM to the attacks.
But the point most often promulgated in support of the theory at hand is the obvious
controlled demolition of WTC 7 itself. It's been argued that if the OEM was really just a front
for the conspirator's operations center, the facility would then need to be destroyed should
evidence of its existence be discovered. To adherents of this theory, the intentional destruction
of Building 7 was meant to dispense with this problem and, most likely, a host of others.
There are two tangential points worth mentioning as well. First, there have always
been questions as to why Flight 175 hit the South Tower at such a sharp angle; so unlike the
impact of Flight 11. Once the "terrorists" had determined the optimum trajectory for the impacts
of the planes, you'd think they would use the same plan for identical buildings. But if Flight 175
hit the South Tower high up and straight on, as Flight 11 did, the possibility that tons of flaming
debris might pass right through the building and impact WTC 7 is not unreasonable. Look at the
videos of the crash and examine the site diagrams. The dramatic images of rocketing debris
passing through the South Tower (and harmlessly off to the northeast) seem to confirm this
The second point might help to resolve a question that's lingered in the years since the
attacks: Why did the South Tower collapse first when it was the second one to be hit? Well, if
you were in the OEM bunker putting the finishing touches on the explosive systems in the Twin
Towers, which one would you bring down first; the overhead North Tower or the safely distant
South Tower?
This point resonates best when linked to a new and compelling theory: that personnel
stationed in the OEM bunker, first, demolished the South Tower and then exited WTC 7 to
prepare for the near simultaneous demolition of the North Tower and WTC 7 from a secondary
location—an attempt by the conspirators to complete the demo job on the entire WTC in one
fell swoop. Their efforts in regard to the North Tower came off without a hitch. But when they
'pulled' Building 7 several minutes later—when its obvious demolition would be completely
hidden beneath the North Tower's enormous debris cloud—the demolition system failed and
the building remained intact. This controversial theory (see link below) would certainly explain
WTC 7's incongruous survival when every other WTC building lay in ruins.
Whatever the case may be, the priorities of psychopathic men naturally tend toward
self-preservation, and these two peripheral (though intriguing) points may be an expression of
this noble concern.
The fortuitous timing of the OEM's construction—shortly before the most spectacular
and audacious terror attack in human history—seems, in retrospect, suspiciously convenient.
It's reminiscent of another similar "coincidence" often cited by 9/11 skeptics; the acquisition of
the entire WTC by Manhattan developer Larry Silverstein just six weeks before 9/11—the first
time the WTC had changed hands in thirty years and the first time it had ever come under
private control.
9/11 skeptics naturally connect the suspiciously anomalous features of Giuliani's
OEM with their many other sober and well-researched doubts about the attacks. These points
may not prove conclusively that the mayor's bunker was, in reality, a nest of 9/11 conspirators,
but they would certainly appear to explain the poor choice of locations for a command retreat
that oddly rewrote the rules set in place for similar facilities in the past.
At minimum, the appalling lack of sound judgment on the part of Giuliani and Co. in
regard to the location of the OEM bunker is scandalous in and of itself. It would appear that
"America's Mayor" and "Man of the Year" Rudy Giuliani's "relentless preparation" left much to
be desired. Not surprisingly, he sees it differently; "But if you have prepared for everything else,
all of a sudden you will appear like a genius when you answer the unexpected question." Genius
Copyright July, 2006 Darkprints
Read "Was WTC 7 a Dud?" at: http://www.serendipity.li/wot/wtc7_dud.htm
For a transcript of the exchange between Senator Roemer and Richard Sheirer see:
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