911 the aircraft
Portugal News: Donn La Grande assessment
aerospaceweb.org: Jeff Scott
5/07/07: Rense.com:Mark H. Gaffney
The Joe Vialis Theory:
"home_run2."> Were the aircraft remotely guided to their targets?
Other versions are more comprehensive:
"don_grande_pre2.htm"> expanded article
La Vanguardia of Barcelona Spain: Bumps on flight 175?:
"lavanguardia."> The Mysterious Reflections of 9/11
From researcher Darrell U:
"udarrell."> on remote control aircraft
The Alex Jones Show:
"ts_aj_delagrand."> Transcript: Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army (ret.):
www.physics_911_public_site: Joel Harel (This paper is no longer found on internet)
"www.physics_911_public_site. ">The Impossibility of Flying Heavy Aircraft Without Training
Paper argues that ground effects would make flying a 757 into the Pentagon impossible