Truth and the 9/11 Truth Movement
By Richard Curtis, PhD
A speech to the Seattle branch
of the “ 9/11 Visibility Movement”
July 1, 2006 – Bellevue Public
“My fellow
Americans: Three days from now, after
half a century in the service of our country, I shall lay down the
responsibilities of office as, in traditional and solemn ceremony, the
authority of the Presidency is vested in my successor. This evening I come to you with a message of
leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my
President Eisenhower went on share
this thought:
“Until the
latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry.
American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as
well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national
defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of
vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are
directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military
security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense
military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American
experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt
in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We
recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to
comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all
involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we
must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or
unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take
nothing for granted, only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the
proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our
peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
You all have heard this speech, or
at least this part of it before. Yet,
we as a people seem not to have taken President Eisenhower seriously. Did we not believe him then? Do we not believe him now?
He was a politician, of course,
and we have grown deeply skeptical of politicians. But that speech was given January 17, 1961 – before Nixon taught
us to expect Presidents to lie. Yet, we
did not believe Ike.
He was also not completely honest,
we know that now too. All of the
available evidence indicates that the Soviet Union never attempted to build an
offensive military capacity[ii][ii], so when Ike said, “…we have been compelled to
create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions…” he was not telling
us the whole truth. Indeed, America was
not compelled by the Soviet Union to develop a “permanent armaments industry of
vast proportions.” America built this
industry of its own accord. But America
is not Americans. We Americans, the
American people did not decide that we needed a permanent armaments industry of
vast proportions. Someone decided, or
more properly a group of people decided and they worked very hard to then
convince the American people – through an unfounded fear – to support this
military-industrial complex.
Fear is an old and often used
political tool:
course the people don't want war. But, after all, it is the leaders of
the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag
the people along whether it's a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a
parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All
you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists
for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the
same way in any country."[iii][iii]
Herman Goering said that.
Now it is quite possible that
there was a shred of truth to Eisenhower’s claim that “we” were compelled. Perhaps he was not so willing a participant
in that decision. Perhaps we were
compelled, but it was not the Soviet military that provided that compulsion. Perhaps, there is a deeper truth in the rest
of the quote that explains who compelled us to do this to ourselves.
Eisenhower said, “The potential
for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” And added, “We should take nothing for
granted….” We should take nothing for granted when confronting this misplaced
power. Eisenhower called it “The
Military-Industrial Complex,” another national leader invented his own term for
it – Fascism.[iv][iv]
But fear requires an object, and
with the absence of the Soviet Union to at least appear as a plausible threat
something had to take its place. As I,
and others, have argued before, that something is terrorism. And there really are terrorists and
terrorist acts, of which we ought to be afraid. But just who are the terrorists?
On September 23, 2001, National
Security Advisor, Dr. Condoleezza Rice said, …”the U.S. has evidence of bin
Laden’s role in terrorist acts that it will present in due time.” The implication of that phrase was that the
act in question was 9/11, but the U.S. has no such evidence. At least according to the FBI, which has
recently admitted that it has no hard evidence linking bin Laden to the events
of 9/11.[v][v]
In fact, as you have seen from the
details presented earlier today, there is no evidence to support the commonly
held belief that 19 Arab religious fanatics were responsible for the attack of
9/11. And further, the evidence we do
have strongly supports the alternative theory that the attacks were actually an
inside job. So when Dr. Rice failed to
provide that evidence, she was so insistent that the U.S. government had, it is
now obvious why. She was lying. Of course, since Dr. Kissinger’s work for
the aforementioned pathological liar Nixon we have learned not to trust what
National Security Advisors say either.
This is an odd state of
affairs. Our public culture assumes
that Dr. Rice was telling the truth and we seem to behave as if that claim was
valid and has real impact on our lives.
And there has been a real impact on our lives, but not because the claim
was true, but because we are expected to believe that it was true and all of
our public media and public officials at least pretend to behave as if it were
But do we, do we behave as if that
claim were true? Certainly that
obviously false claim and other more obviously false claims have been used to
justify illegal wars, and have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of
people. So in some ways we do behave as
if the lies were true. But in other
ways it is clear that we do not take them seriously. My own favorite example of this blatant hypocrisy is that we are
subjected to multiple time wasting searches when we try to fly, this is
allegedly to prevent other would-be hijackers from smuggling weapons onto
airplanes. But it is easy to smuggle
weapons onto airplanes. In fact if you
want a lethal weapon on an airplane you do not even have to smuggle it aboard
yourself, the airlines provide them – in the form of glass wine and beer
bottles, which when broken become incredibly lethal weapons.
More ominously, the government now
spies on us much more extensively than we previously realized, and this is done
on the basis of those false claims.
However, the spying cannot really be intended to catch would-be
terrorists, according to experts in these sorts of things. As Paul Craig Roberts has put it:
Rudmin, a professor at a Norwegian university, writing at
applies the mathematics of conditional probability, known as Bayes' Theorem, to
demonstrate that the NSA's surveillance cannot successfully detect terrorists
unless both the percentage of terrorists in the population and the accuracy
rate of their identification are far higher than they are. He correctly
concludes that ‘NSA's surveillance system is useless for finding
terrorists’. The surveillance is,
however, useful for monitoring political opposition and stymieing the
activities of those who do not believe the government's propaganda."[vi][vi]
There are obvious implications to
be drawn from all of this, but most Americans rarely express or act upon these
obvious implications.
There is a standard rejoinder to
systematic critiques of government behavior such as I have been offering, and
it runs along these lines. “Well, these
are huge bureaucracies that are staffed with people who are not always good at
their jobs or lack the proper resources.
Sometimes things just go wrong; there are accidents.” Those holding to this theory would say, “The
NSA really is intending to catch terrorists, they are just imperfect or
incompetent.” Really, they are
incompetent? They don’t know that this
system of spying won’t catch terrorists?
Well, Sigmund Freud and his
reasons for denying that there are accidents not withstanding, there are better
reasons for dismissing this pathetic defense of the status quo. Some years back I developed what I call “The
Accidental Theory of History.” The
Accidental Theory of History occurred to me after the start of the first Gulf
War. Many people have forgotten, or
never heard, that that war was actually started by the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
at the time, one April Glaspie. It
seems the Ambassador had some crucial facts “wrong.” We are led to believe she was just incompetent when she told
Saddam Hussein that the U.S. government did not have a position on his dispute
with Kuwait, which at the time was stealing Iraqi oil through a practice called
“slant drilling.” Saddam, being a one
time useful idiot, actually believed this and went on to invade Kuwait, and
then after some particularly compelling but deceitful testimony before
Congress, we invaded Iraq for the first time.
Those who knew about all this in
the media claimed that it was all just a misunderstanding, an accident. But only a fool would still believe that the
beginnings of the U.S. drive to control the Iraqi oil fields was an accident,
although it has been justified by an astounding series of lies. Big lies.
A different fascist leader wrote
“All this was inspired by the principle — which is quite true in itself — that in the
big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad
masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of
their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the
primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big
lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little
matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would
never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not
believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so
A shorter, although falsely
attributed version of this runs:
great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a
small one. Especially if it is repeated
again and again.”[viii][viii]
This, of course, is the situation
in which we now find ourselves. The
government and our media have endlessly repeated a Big Lie about 9/11. The official version of this lie was
published in a book called The 9/11 Commission Report. This is a book that David Ray Griffin refers
to as a 571 page lie.[ix][ix]
We live in a time of lies and yet
we seem to behave as if this is not the case.
We refuse to “believe that others could have the impudence to distort
the truth so infamously.” So it is
true, the masses of people accept the big lie, and then worry about small
ones. The War on Terrorism is a Big
Lie; the justifications for the war and occupation of Iraq are small lies. So people talk about the small lies that led
to war, even the media, but they cannot seem to find the wisdom or courage to
confront the big lies, the lies of 9/11.
Those of you who watch the TV show
“Boston Legal” might remember the way this state of affairs was captured by one
of the main characters: “There are no facts anymore, only good and bad
I am afraid that the public
culture, even though polls indicate a deep seated suspicion, regards the Big
Lie of 9/11 as good fiction – it is a compelling if utterly false story. The truth, of at least the only logical
conclusion based on the available evidence, that 9/11 was an inside job strikes
many as bad fiction. It is a bad story
that would show up in some low budget movie plot, but hardly the stuff of real
life. Real government leaders would not
have the “impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” Would they?
Of course they do and we have example after example of this from
history. It was the approach advocated
by Niccolò Machiavelli in his famous little book, The Prince. It is the guiding philosophy of the
Neo-Conservative movement and, as I will argue in a moment, of Neo-Liberals as
well.[xi][xi] When the lies involve attacks on a people
that are falsely attributed to some enemy we even have a special term, they are
called “False Flag Operations.”
What is the proper response to all
this? What is the effective
response? I want to suggest that even
though one might cynically see these as two questions, that they are in fact
the same question. The response, both
proper and effective, is the truth.
Well, that is too simple – the
truth is out there for people to find, even journalists should you find one who
actually investigates anything anymore.
On the one hand we need to communicate the facts, as far as these facts
can be determined. On the other hand we
need “good fiction” to help with this presentation. But of course, it is not good “fiction” that we need, but a good
narrative. We have enough of the truth
to make the point, but what makes a good narrative?
I would suggest that a good
narrative for our purposes is a consistent one. The Big Lie achieves its status of good narrative through the
twin features of being a Big Lie and through being endlessly repeated, or more
commonly by simply being assumed, in the mainstream media culture. What ought our – the 9/11 Truth Movement’s –
approach be to be consistent?
I believe this narrative must have
two elements, first a strong emphasis on facts and the confrontation of
lies. Dr. Griffin suggests focusing on
the official Big Lie, and unmasking the lies and distortions that are the 9/11
Commission Report. Second, I
believe we need to develop and articulate a political analysis that honestly
responds to the logical implications inherent in this Big Lie being bi-partisan
in nature. That is this Big Lie is told
by both Democrats and Republicans, and we must come to terms with the
implications of this.
This may seem a strange thing to
suggest, but the best way to start this political analysis is to understand the
influence of a German-born Political Philosopher named Leo Strauss, who died
more than two decades ago. This is
strange because we seem to have an administration that is both apparently
“intellectually challenged” and chock full of PhD’s.
Those people, both in and out of
government, who follow the teachings of Strauss are called Straussians, and
they are the intellectual elite among the so-called Neo-Conservatives.[xii][xii]
Strauss was an interpreter of
Plato and other ancients. Most scholars
believe that Strauss’s interpretations of Plato were wildly off the mark. Yet, Strauss has followers who, regardless
of the falsity of his interpretations, accept and use the “wisdom” Strauss
taught them.
Strauss believed that most people
are not capable of living up to the demands of participating in a democracy,
and are hardly prepared to manage their own lives in the face of the
meaninglessness inherent in the modern world.
Strauss believed that it is a sort of modern nihilism that most
threatens societies when they try to be democratic – which was his
interpretation of what happened in Germany in the 1930’s.
Strauss suggested two strategies
for dealing with this problem. First,
religion – Strauss said that most people need the structure of religion to
guide their lives, even when their beliefs are unjustifiable and likely
false. Following what Plato called a
“noble lie,” Strauss said that societies need the “pious fraud” of
fundamentalist religion. Notice that
both parties are vying to appeal to fundamentalists these days.[xiii][xiii] And they both have what I am sure they
regard as a Pius Fraud in the Big Lie of 9/11.
Second, Strauss said that states
need war. War gives people a sense of
meaning and purpose that is otherwise absent from the modern world. This means the state must have an
enemy. For a long time, this worked
well. We called it the Cold War. But then the Cold War ended and America was
adrift, unwilling to forge a truly egalitarian society American elites looked
for new enemies.
Importantly, Strauss said that if
an enemy is not at hand, then create one.
Thus, as mentioned before, astute observers of the American scene have
noticed that terrorism came to occupy the attention of our media and culture in
a new way just about the time the Cold War ended. Today, 9/11 and the so-called War on Terrorism, which we are told
will never end, have conveniently provided the government with the endless war
it wants.
This increase in terrorism seems
to be very convenient. Some, myself
included, believe that this is not coincidental. There exists a substantial body of evidence that indicates that
what we call “Al-Qaeda” is simply the CIA organized “Mujahadeen” gone global,
keeping in place their supply and financial operations. The financial side includes money from arms
and drug sales especially, but also nefarious financial ties to Western
intelligence services.[xiv][xiv]
What we in the 9/11 Truth Movement
need to explain to people is that Neo-Conservatives and Neo-Liberals (the
ideology of the Democratic Leadership Council and its major names like Clinton
and Kerry) share essentially the same ideology and the same history of tangled
financial ties to known branches of Al-Qaeda.
The “neo” in Neo-Conservative
refers to a change in right-wing ideology from believing that tradition and
religion can best inform the present, to simply using religion and tradition as
a way of controlling people. The old
conservatives actually believed the things they said. Just as the old liberals believed the things they said, where the
Neo-Liberals simply use that older liberal ideology of equality and rights as a
way of organizing their base. For them
it just as much a “pious fraud” as religion is for the Neo-Conservatives.
Today both the Democratic Party
and the Republican Party are run by Straussians, at least implicitly.[xv][xv] Let me be perfectly clear here: Straussian
means fascist, so my analysis is that both major parties are variations on the
Straussian version of fascism. Both
parties use lies to manipulate their respective bases, but in the final
analysis it is the same empire they are building and this is seen most
obviously in the degree to which both major parties cooperate on extending the
empire through war and the cultivation of fear among the population by first
developing and then endlessly repeating the Big Lie of 9/11.
We, in the Truth Movement, have to
offer a compelling narrative that explains this general feature of cooperative
deception at the highest levels of government.
We also have to break through the media’s self-imposed gag rule on
asking critical questions about 9/11.
We must speak truth to power!
Revisiting President Eisenhower’s
“We must
never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic
processes. We should take nothing for granted, only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military
machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and
liberty may prosper together.”
The noted Political Scientist, Dr.
Michael Parenti has a related observation that is worth noting here:
ruling class throughout history has only wanted one thing: Everything. If
you know that but nothing else, you know more than if you know everything else
but that.”
Democracy demands truth and its
most formidable enemy is this pathological acceptance of a culture of
lies. We are a Truth Movement, because
the truth matters, it matters to our freedom and most importantly to
democracy. There is no higher calling
for a patriot and advocate of the radical idea that is democracy than truth
[ii][ii] See Fred Kaplan’s Dubious Specter: A Skeptical Look at
the Soviet Nuclear Threat (Institute for Policy Studies, 1980).
[iii][iii] Herman Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall and Luftwaffe-Chief,
at the Nuremberg trials, April 18, 1946
[iv][iv] Benito Mussolini
[vii][vii] From Hitler’s Mein Kampf, details at
[viii][viii] ibid.
[ix][ix] See Griffin’s 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and
Distortions for details.
[x][x] “Boston Legal” air date June 27, 2006.
[xi][xi] See the work of Shadia Drury on Leo Strauss and his
influence on prominent Neo-Conservatives.
[xii][xii] For example: Abram Shulsky, Paul Wolfowitz, William
Kristol, William Bennett and John Podhoretz
[xiii][xiii] Most recently on the Democratic side in a speech by Sen.
Barack Obama.
[xiv][xiv] See the work of Nafez M. Ahmed
[xv][xv] Compare the nearly identical “vision” of the Project for a
New American Century, the major Neo-Con think tank with the “vision” put forth
by a big name Democrat like Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1997 book The Grand
Chessboard. Both advocate military
control of energy resources and both recognized that a catalyzing event like a
New Pearl Harbor would be needed to convince the American public to support
this increased militarism.