9/11 and
Truth: With Knowledge Comes Responsibility
By: Richard
Curtis, PhD
(a speech to a meeting
of the Seattle 9/11 Visibility Project, Oct. 14, 2006)
Let us suppose
that you are the sort of person who likes to go backpacking in the high
country. One day you are setting out on a three-day trip into very remote
territory that you expect to be the most spectacular of your life. About
half a day into the hike you come across a person lying in the path, injured
and unable to walk or even crawl for help. This person has been there for
some time and is obviously dehydrated and weak from a lack of food. What
do you do?
It is not a
difficult question, and any normally functioning human being would offer the
same reply: “I would stop to help this person, offer my food and water and
sacrifice the wonderful adventure I had planned so that I might save their
life.” All normal people would respond this way – your planned adventure
is virtually meaningless compared with the need, the suffering of this other human
being. You would make a great sacrifice of your pleasure in order to help
them live.
In our world
today an estimated 16 Million people die every year from starvation, dirty
water, or a lack of basic health care. 16 Million Innocent people.
These people die because of a global economic system that transfers wealth from
most places and concentrates it in a few places. You participate, and in
fact benefit from this world economic system. What do you sacrifice to
save even one of those who die for it?
Perhaps that
question is too abstract, too ethereal to elicit a really concrete reply.
We here today are too far from that problem to offer the same sort of obvious
and universal reply. And you may already be doing things that are aimed
at helping some of those people, or altering this global system that uses their
poverty to create wealth for the few.
The difference
between these two moral problems, other than one being fictional, is the power
assumed in the actor. In the first story, you are assumed to have
significant power to alter the situation. The story presupposes that you
have food and water, and you are healthy and strong. Even if you could
not carry the injured person to safety you could help them where they are and
then return to your starting point to call on professionals to rescue the
victim. In the second case, what power do you have? What power do
you personally have to change a deeply entrenched global economic system that
literally murders millions of innocent people for the profit of a few?
You have some power, but it is not the same sort of power to immediately change
the outcome, as in the first story.
In each case
though, you know – at least you do now – that something horribly wrong is
occurring. This knowledge, knowledge of an evil in progress, is
compelling. In the first case, you would help the injured person because
that is what any normal person would do. It is the right thing to do, and
in the story the only thing to do. In the case of 16 million people dying
each year, you know this happens and may know quite a bit about it, but the
knowledge is not compelling in the same way. Why is this? Well, the
problem is clearly much more abstract, and your power in the situation is less
than sufficient to change the outcome.
Why do we have
this particular global economic system? Profit, of course. Whose
profit? Yours? Probably not, or you wouldn’t be in this room.
But you do benefit by virtue of living in the western world. Put starkly:
You benefit from the misery and death of innocent people. That knowledge
should be compelling, but still it is hard to know what to do.
Let us consider
another angle on the problem. Why do we have this global economic
system? The system survives because enough people who do not benefit
significantly continue to support the system in spite of the obvious moral
problem. How does it survive? Interestingly there have been
different answers to this question at different times in recent history.
During the Cold
War people here were convinced that they needed to support virtually any evil
as long as the stated intention was to “prevent the spread of communism” (as if
that would be a bad thing). People have different positions on the
question of socialist economics, but the core message of the Cold War was that
there existed a threat to “our” way of life and this threat required certain
sacrifices. People sacrificed their money to buy weapons for dictators,
and they sacrificed something of their freedoms and their humanity as
well. We certainly sacrificed our morality on the basis of this
fear. Now, it happens that the fear was baseless, it was an artificial
construction designed and perpetuated in order to convince otherwise ordinary
and moral people to support a monstrous evil. The Soviet Union never
attempted to build an offensive military capacity and thus the claim that it
was a threat was false on two counts; 1) its intentions were not actually
hostile, and 2) it lacked and did not pursue the capacity to be a threat.
What of
today? Today this global economic system is supported for two reasons,
the first of which is diminishing in significance. The first reason, and
it was true to some degree during the Cold War as well, is the benefit I
mentioned earlier, that we – here – benefit from the expropriation of wealth
from the periphery and its concentration in the imperial center. This is
what empires do, and the residents in the “belly of the beast” (as Simone
Bolivar put it) derive some benefit, even the poor ones. But this reason is
less and less compelling as moral issues easily trump it. Most people are
not likely to support their part in the horrific deaths of 16 million people
every year just so their DVD’s will be a bit less expensive. Like
sacrificing the food and water one packed for a long hike, we would sacrifice a
DVD to save an innocent child’s life. So this part of the problem is
largely related to ignorance of the truth of the situation.
What is more
important is the second reason people support the empire. That reason is
fear. We are afraid, but it is not communism that frightens us, however
ridiculous that fear was, rather it is terrorism that frightens us today.
Is that a rational fear?
On the face of
it the answer seems obvious, there are terrorist acts in the world and these
kill innocent people apparently at random, and this random nature implies that
anyone could be a victim. Of course lightning strikes are much the same
but we do not worry about that on a daily basis. Human beings are not
very good at this sort of risk analysis, as it turns out.
Still, fear is a
powerful tool. And we all saw what happened on 9/11 and so now we “know”
(don’t we?) that there are terrorists out there and they have the ability to
strike us here at home. So people are afraid and they think that they
have to “fight terrorism.” We are willing to make great sacrifices,
including moral ones, because our security would seem to be at stake.
What you saw
today may have challenged a very import part of the claim I have been making.
This should not be unexpected, after all if the Cold War was based on a
lie, and it worked to support the empire, might other justifications for its
support also be lies? What if what most people think happened on 9/11 was
actually very different from what really happened? This is, as you know,
the horrible thought that you are asked to consider here. Some of you may
have given this considerable thought already. Some of you may be shocked
at what you learned, and quite disturbed by it as well. It is a
disturbing thought, to consider that what most people take as true about 9/11
is really a fiction designed to support imperial goals, to support a global
economic system for which 16 million innocent people die each year.
The evidence you
have seen may be convincing to you. This is evidence that 9/11 had to be
an inside job, or what is called a “False Flag” operation designed to terrorize
the US population into supporting the sacrifice of our democracy at home and
imperial policies abroad.
This introduces
a new dimension to the moral problem. What will you do with this new
information? With knowledge comes responsibility. As in the story
about the hike, knowing that an evil is occurring demands a response from you
as a moral person. But we already determined that just knowing about some
problems is not sufficient to force action, especially if one does not have
power in the situation. Is the truth about 9/11 as intractable a moral
problem as participating in a global economic system that kills millions?
David Ray Griffin,
in his role a Christian theologian, has written:
The attacks of 9/11, understood as
a false-flag operation orchestrated by forces within the U.S. government, can
be taken, I suggest, as the chief revelation of our time. Not a divine
revelation, to be sure, but the chief revelation of the demonic – of the extent
to which it has taken control of the American government. (Christian Faith and
the Truth Behind 9/11, pp 180-181)
understanding of the term “demonic” is not the dictionary one, but overlaps
significantly with that understanding. For Griffin the demonic is not
personal, it is not that there is a demon or devil out there guiding the forces
of evil. Rather the demonic is that which is counter to God in intention
and in power. Griffin, a Process Theologian, believes that there is an
omniscient, but not omnipotent God who cares for all living things. The
demonic is that tendency in creation to act counter to God’s caring, and when
we creatures use our power to counter God’s will we are demonic. So his
analysis is that as the U.S. government is the principle power behind this
global economic system, “…we must conclude that the United States is today the
chief embodiment of demonic power” (p 180).
This is a
powerful claim for one of the world’s best-known theologians to make about his
own country. It is a disturbing reality to confront. The Lutherans
have a term for this; they call it a “status confessionis,” a
confessional state (p. 192). That is this knowledge is so significant
that moral people are confronted with an imperative to act. In the recent
past Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa have been status confessiones.
Griffin is telling us that our country is now among that ignoble company and we
as moral people are compelled to confront this evil and stop it.
How is
difficult. But we need to keep in mind that this problem is not identical
to that of confronting the horrific reality of the global economic system
itself. Although, in an interesting irony, confronting the reality of
9/11 also undermines support for the global economic system.
confronting the truth of 9/11 is not as daunting as it might seem. So,
yes if you are persuaded by what you have seen then you are impelled to act by
this knowledge you have about the truth of 9/11. I suggest that the
actions we ought to take are within our power. Recall that was the
issue. We can all agree that knowledge of a moral problem implies a duty
to act, but that duty is assumed to be within one’s power. We are obliged
to act to the degree that we have power to help change resolve the moral
You, we all,
have some power to act in this situation. You now know that you must act,
and so you must find a way to act. This will depend upon your situation,
but the very least you can do is to spread the word. The work of the
empire goes on because enough people believe that it is either necessary or
unstoppable. No empire is really unstoppable. So we must undermine
its support – the belief that people have that it is necessary – and as this
support is principally organized around a lie about 9/11 and the subsequent War
on Terror, then we must challenge this demonic lie.
The War on
Terror is a lie because it is predicated on the official story we have been told
about 9/11, which is itself a lie. The big lie about 9/11 is intended to
fool people into sacrificing democracy and morality for the sake of
safety. People have been scared into this belief, but confronted with a
few facts, it is a lie that you can disrupt and indeed must disrupt as widely
as you can.
This task is
surprisingly possible. I know it seems daunting, but the lie at the heart
of the War on Terror is amazingly transparent. It is obvious that the
events of 9/11, as officially explained, are physically and logically
impossible. Tell people that, point out some of the details that prove
the official story is impossible, from there it is obvious that it is all a
lie. The wars, the threats, the rationale for dismembering our Constitution
are all based on this transparent lie. Share this knowledge, demand the
truth from elected officials and most importantly refuse to be cowed into
sacrificing your liberty and our democracy for their empire.
The truth will
set us free!